15 Ways to Make $37,000 a Month Writing

make money writing

Learn how to make $37,000 a month writing with these 15 methods. From freelancing and blogging to writing ebooks and poetry, discover the best ways to earn big.

Have you ever dreamed of making $37,000 a month just by writing? It might seem impossible, but many writers have achieved this goal. Writing can be a lucrative career if you know the right strategies and opportunities.

In this article, we will explore 15 ways you can make money writing, from freelance gigs to self-publishing.

Let’s get started!

1. Freelance Writing

Freelance writing involves writing articles, blog posts, and other content for clients. You can find freelance writing jobs on websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr. The more you write, the more you can earn.

Steps to Start Freelance Writing

  1. Create a portfolio: Write sample articles to showcase your skills.
  2. Sign up on freelance websites: Create profiles on Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr.
  3. Apply for jobs: Look for writing gigs that match your skills.
  4. Deliver high-quality work: Meet deadlines and provide well-written content.
  5. Build long-term relationships: Aim to work with regular clients.

2. Writing Ebooks

Writing ebooks can be a great way to earn passive income. You can write about any topic you are passionate about and sell your ebooks on platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).

How to Write and Sell Ebooks

  1. Choose a niche: Find a topic that interests you and has an audience.
  2. Write your ebook: Create an outline and write your content.
  3. Format your ebook: Use Kindle formatting guidelines.
  4. Upload your ebook: Publish your book on Amazon KDP.
  5. Promote your ebook: Use social media and blogs to market your book.

3. Blogging

Starting a blog can be a great way to make money writing. You can write about your favorite topics and earn money through ads, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing.

Steps to Start a Blog

  1. Choose a niche: Pick a topic you are passionate about.
  2. Set up your blog: Use platforms like WordPress or Blogger.
  3. Write regular posts: Publish high-quality content consistently.
  4. Monetize your blog: Use ads, affiliate marketing, and sponsored posts.
  5. Promote your blog: Share your posts on social media and other channels.

4. Writing for Content Mills

Content mills are websites that pay writers to produce large amounts of content quickly. While the pay is often low, it can be a good way to gain experience and build a portfolio.

Popular Content Mills

  • Textbroker
  • iWriter
  • WriterAccess

5. Copywriting

Copywriting involves writing persuasive content to promote products or services. This can include writing sales pages, email campaigns, and advertisements. Copywriters are often highly paid for their skills.

How to Become a Copywriter

  1. Learn copywriting skills: Take courses or read books on copywriting.
  2. Create a portfolio: Write sample sales pages and ads.
  3. Find clients: Look for copywriting jobs on freelance websites.
  4. Deliver persuasive content: Write content that sells products or services.

6. Writing Short Stories

If you enjoy writing fiction, you can make money by writing short stories. You can submit your stories to magazines, anthologies, and online platforms that pay for fiction.

Where to Submit Short Stories

  • Clarkesworld Magazine
  • The New Yorker
  • Daily Science Fiction

7. Writing Poetry

Poetry might not seem lucrative, but some markets pay for high-quality poems. You can submit your work to poetry magazines and contests with cash prizes.

Places to Submit Poetry

  • Poetry Foundation
  • The Sun Magazine
  • Rattle

8. Writing Romance Novels

Romance novels are very popular, and many authors make a good living writing them. You can self-publish your romance novels on platforms like Amazon KDP.

How to Write a Romance Novel

  1. Create a plot: Plan the storyline and characters.
  2. Write the novel: Follow the romance genre conventions.
  3. Edit and proofread: Ensure your book is polished and error-free.
  4. Publish your book: Use Amazon KDP to publish your novel.
  5. Promote your book: Market your novel through social media and book blogs.

9. Writing Kids’ Books

Writing children’s books can be fun and profitable. You can write picture books, chapter books, or young adult novels and sell them on Amazon or through traditional publishers.

Steps to Write a Children’s Book

  1. Choose an age group: Decide on the target age for your book.
  2. Write the story: Create an engaging and age-appropriate story.
  3. Illustrate: Hire an illustrator if needed.
  4. Publish: Use self-publishing platforms or submit to publishers.
  5. Promote: Market your book to parents, teachers, and kids.

10. Writing Reviews

You can make money writing reviews for products, books, movies, and more. Websites and companies pay for honest reviews to attract more customers.

How to Start Writing Reviews

  1. Choose a niche: Decide what type of reviews you want to write.
  2. Sign up on review websites: Join sites that pay for reviews.
  3. Write detailed reviews: Share your honest opinions.
  4. Promote your reviews: Share them on social media and blogs.

11. Greeting Card Writing

If you have a knack for writing short, heartfelt messages, you can write for greeting card companies. They pay for funny, sweet, or inspirational messages.

Companies that Pay for Greeting Card Writing

  • Hallmark
  • Blue Mountain Arts
  • American Greetings

12. Ghostwriting

Ghostwriting involves writing books, articles, or other content for someone else. The client gets the credit, but you get paid for your work.

How to Become a Ghostwriter

  1. Build a portfolio: Write samples or ghostwrite for friends.
  2. Find clients: Look for ghostwriting jobs on freelance websites.
  3. Write anonymously: Create high-quality content without credit.
  4. Earn well: Ghostwriting can pay very well, especially for books.

13. Technical Writing

Technical writing involves creating manuals, guides, and other documents that explain complex topics clearly. This field often pays well due to the specialized knowledge required.

Steps to Become a Technical Writer

  1. Learn technical writing: Take courses or read guides on technical writing.
  2. Build a portfolio: Write sample manuals or guides.
  3. Find jobs: Look for technical writing jobs on job boards.
  4. Write clearly: Create easy-to-understand documents.

14. Scriptwriting

If you enjoy writing for film, TV, or theater, scriptwriting can be a rewarding career. You can sell your scripts to production companies or enter scriptwriting contests.

How to Start Scriptwriting

  1. Learn scriptwriting format: Study the format and structure of scripts.
  2. Write a script: Create a compelling story.
  3. Submit your script: Send it to production companies or contests.
  4. Network: Connect with industry professionals.

15. Online Writing Courses

If you have writing expertise, you can create and sell online writing courses.

Teach others how to write novels, blog posts, or technical documents.

Steps to Create an Online Writing Course

  1. Choose a topic: Pick a writing skill you are good at.
  2. Create the course: Record video lessons and write course materials.
  3. Upload to a platform: Use sites like Udemy or Teachable.
  4. Promote your course: Market it to your audience.

Table: Income Potential from Different Writing Methods

Writing MethodPotential Earnings
Freelance Writing$20,000 – $50,000+ per month
Writing Ebooks$1,000 – $10,000+ per month
Blogging$500 – $20,000+ per month
Content Mills$500 – $5,000 per month
Copywriting$5,000 – $50,000+ per month
Short Stories$100 – $5,000 per month
Poetry$50 – $1,000 per month
Romance Novels$1,000 – $20,000+ per month
Kids’ Books$500 – $10,000+ per month
Reviews$100 – $3,000 per month
Greeting Cards$50 – $1,000 per month
Ghostwriting$5,000 – $50,000+ per month
Technical Writing$5,000 – $20,000+ per month
Scriptwriting$1,000 – $50,000+ per month
Online Writing Courses$1,000 – $30,000+ per month

Take Note

Making $37,000 a month writing is possible with the right approach and dedication. Whether you choose to freelance, write ebooks, blog, or pursue any other writing avenue, there are many ways to achieve your financial goals.

The key is to find what you enjoy and continuously improve your skills.

Start exploring these opportunities today, and you could soon be making a substantial income from your writing.

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